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How does age affect fertility in women?

I am 30+ but I don't really understand how age affects fertility in women. Can you explain more?

23 Mar 2023


Answer from the Doctor
LUMIROUS Team and Fertility Coaches
As women age, their fertility decreases due to a decline in the number and quality of their eggs. This decline begins in a woman's 30s and accelerates after the age of 35.
While assisted reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) can help overcome some age-related fertility issues, they can be expensive and not always successful. The social and cultural implications of age-related fertility decline can be significant, as women may face pressure to start families earlier or may experience difficulties balancing career aspirations with the desire to have children. Additionally, there can be societal stigmas associated with infertility, which can cause emotional distress for those who struggle with conception.

It is important for individuals and society as a whole to understand the biological realities of fertility and to support those who may be impacted by fertility-related issues.

23 Mar 2023

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